About Us

Lake Sundance is a private lake and park in the community of Sundance and is for the exclusive use of Sundance residents and their guests. 

Lake Sundance opened in 1980 and consists of a 33 acre lake and a 22 acre park. 

Our Vision

To be the best run lake, park and recreation facility in Calgary.

Our Mission

Through proactive initiatives, we will operate and maintain lake and park facilities that effectively meet the needs of the members of the Sundance community and enhance their quality of life. 

Volunteer Board of Directors

A positive Lake Sundance experience is a top priority! If you wish to reach the Board directly in confidence, please send an email to board@lakesundance.org

Jamie Macoun - President

Doug Galenzoski - Vice President

Danny Hafer - Secretary

Marsha Frankiw - Treasurer

Garry Rauch

Rob Bromberg

Mel Duvall

Karly Cussigh

Kevin Egan

Barbara Schmidt

Jodi Flotstedt

Tyson Portwood

Stacey Trim

Susie Tilleman

Julie Pothier