Rowboats, Canoes, Pedal Boats, Kayaks, SUPs, Windsurfers
Members wishing to sign out a boat/board must leave their lake ID card at the main gate.
The member that signs out the boat/board must be in the boat/board at all times.
One membership card is required for each boat/board.
Life jackets must be worn at all times while using a boat/board. Life jackets are to be kept dry if possible.
Jumping and swimming from the boat/board is strictly prohibited.
Pedal boats, SUPs, windsurfers and kayaks may only be signed out for a period of 1 hour. During peak hours, time limits will be adjusted at the discretion of the lake staff.
Boats/boards must be used outside of the designated swimming area.
Members may fish only from the rowboats or canoes.
Boats/boards should be returned promptly when finished and are not to be docked in any other location other than the designated boat launch area or board stand.
Boats/boards must come ashore immediately when potentially hazardous conditions exist, such as lightning, high winds and storms.
In the event of a boat/board capsizing on the lake, the most important rule is to stay with the boat/board until help arrives.
No boat or board shall be operated in an unsafe manner
Guests may accompany a Member on a multi-occupancy boat only.
Windsurfers, single kayaks and SUPs are for the exclusive use of members. Guests are not permitted to use these boards.
Junior members with Parental Consent Release Forms will not be permitted to take non-Sundance guests in a boat unless the guest is at least 17 years old. The guest will be required to show proof of age.
Members aged 17 and older may sign-out a boat/board independently.
Junior Members, aged 14/15/16, may use a boat/board without adult supervision if a Parental Consent Release Form is signed by their parent/guardian at the Lake Sundance Office.
For Windsurfers, Junior Members must be 16 years old and have a signed Parental Consent Release Form on file at the office.
Junior Members, aged 12-13, are permitted to use a SUP or single kayak if:
Actively supervised and accompanied on the water by their parent/guardian (or other member aged 17 years or older designated by the guardian), who agrees to stay close enough to the Junior Member to assist him/her if in distress.
Parental Consent Release Form is completed and signed by parent/guardian.
Junior Members with a Parental Consent Release Form will not be able to take other Junior members in a boat unless that Member is 14/15/16, and also has a Parental Consent Release Form signed by their parents/guardians, and has their lake ID card with them.
Private Watercraft on the Lake
Privately owned boats and other watercraft may be used on the lake.
Boats should not exceed 15 feet.
No gas motors of any kind are permitted.
All boats brought onto the lake property must be clean and may be inspected for fitness for use. Although tests have shown Lake Sundance to be free of Whirling Disease, we must work together to prevent other hazardous invasive plants, fish, animals, crustaceans, mud or water from entering our lake. Please ensure that all boats and equipment used elsewhere are cleaned and dried for 5 days before using in our lake and please refrain from bringing anything into the lake that has been used outside the Province of Alberta.
Battery powered boats must use proper marine specification batteries so that submersion in event of capsize will not allow spillage into the lake.
Because of the speed of travel Electric Surfboards and Foilboards are not permitted
Privately owned boats should be secured by their owners to prevent unauthorized third party usage. Damage to private boats is the owners responsibility.
No watercraft shall be beached along the shorelines.
Lifejackets must be worn by all occupants of the boat at all times.
No watercraft are permitted in the designated swimming area (marked by buoys). This area is for swimming only.