
E-Newsletter Updates

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2024/2025 Lake Fees

Lake fees are a maintenance fee that go towards daily park operations, events, staffing, capital projects, the upkeep of 9 community flower beds, 5 lake access points and contribution to the asset lifecycle study for replacement of aging capital assets.

The clubhouse is getting a refresh!

Starting April 2, 2024 the main clubhouse is getting a new look.  We are residing the building with Hardie Board siding. This material is a cement composite material that is durable against rain, hail, high winds, snow, ice, harsh humidity, and temperature changes and...woodpecker damage
(Take that Mr. & Mrs. Northern Flicker).

It doesn't need painting, and it is fire resistant.

The project will take approximately 6-8 weeks to complete.

A new waterfront flag system is being introduced at Lake Sundance.  The color of the flag will indicate whether the water or ice cover is open or closed.

GREEN FLAG = OPEN to all users

RED FLAG = CLOSED to all users

The flags are not a sole indication of safety conditions or information. This system compliments our primary channels of information that are on-site, on our website, and on Facebook.


The RED FLAG may be flown for reasons such as thin ice, ice hole hazards, super-bad weather, a municipal or provincial ordinance or a chemical application to the water.


The Sundance Lake Residence Association closely monitors the lake and lake ice for public use.  Regardless of the Flag Warning System and the presence of a Green Flag, access and use of lake and lake ice are done at the sole risk of the member or their guests.  

Balcony Repair

We are working to address some water damage found on the banquet hall balcony before it becomes a bigger problem. It may take a couple of weeks to complete the work.  The other activities at the lake won't be impacted while this work is being done.

See you at the Lake!

The Asphalt Walkway Replacement is complete!

Thanks again for your cooperation as we made this major improvement to the park for you and your guests!  Enjoy this video from the project being done.

New General Manager

The Board of SLRA is excited to welcome Christie Springs into the new role of General Manager. Christie has 15 years experience in the sport and recreation industry with member based business models. The board is confident that this background, combined with her enthusiasm and personality, will help her succeed in her new role. Please join us in welcoming Christie. 

Dock Area Upgrades

As mentioned at the Town Hall in January, we have now begun enhancing and upgrading the dock area! This project is expected to be completed in September.


This Summer look forward to new docks, landscaping and some fun seating arrangements. This will be an area that our Members can enjoy with family and friends.


We appreciate your patience during construction and can't wait to show you our new docks!

Beach Expansion

Our beach and swim area were extended by 75 feet in May to optimally accomodate our valued members. The project was started on May 12/21 and completed on May 14/21.

Electronic Billing and Notices

Do we have your email address on file? Our Articles of Association now allow us to send out invoices via email, which will allow us to be more environmentally friendly, more efficient and reduce costs. If you haven't already signed up for electronic notices and billing, please fill out the form on our Contact Us Page, or you can send your name, address and email address to us at