The Lake
Lake Water Management Committee
A Lake Water Management Committee has been set up, consisting mainly of Board Members and Lake Management.
Committee Mandate: The Committee has the overall responsibility for regularly reviewing the lake water management and policies and reporting its findings to the Board.
Specifically, the Committee's responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
1) Liaison with Management and Consultants
2) Protect the lake water health for continued enjoyment by the community
3) Maximize the lake value in a cost-effective and sustainable way
4) Recommend fisheries management policies
Lake Health
Please help protect the quality of our lake by thoroughly cleaning all toys and equipment used outside of Lake Sundance. Although tests have shown Lake Sundance to be free of Whirling Disease, we must work together to prevent other hazardous invasive plants, fish, animals, crustaceans, mud or water from entering our lake. Ensure all beach and water toys and equipment used elsewhere are cleaned and dried for 5 days before using in our lake. Please refrain from bringing anything into the lake that has been used outside the Province of Alberta. Thank you!
Lake Water
Prior to 2011, we topped up the lake with City water at a considerable expense. In 2011, we drilled a water well and found 15 gal/min at 162 feet in the sandstone Paskapoo Formation. This well paid for itself in water savings in about 3 years and continues to be a source of water. However, this 1st well did not meet all of the water needs and, as water costs continued to increase, the board voted to drill a 2nd well. In 2018, the 2nd well found 55 gal/min in the Paskapoo Formation at 228 feet. This additional well fully supplies our lake with water and saves significant money for residents, as well as the added environmental benefit of not withdrawing water from the Bow River.
Water Quality
The Board has hired a Limnologist to work with us on understanding issues related to weeds and algae.
Chemical Treatment of Weeds in the Lake
The weeds in the lake are chemically treated with Reward every year in June. For safety reasons, the beach and all water activities are then closed for approximately 3 days due to the treatment. Dates will be announced so please watch for notices and signage.